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Experienced Information Technology leader, author, system administrator, and systems architect.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Looking Around the Corner

Sometimes you can see the problem coming before it gets here. You've tried to warn people, you've raised flags, and the problem is coming. The people around you are in full ostrich mode, hoping that if they don't see the problem, it won't see them.

Or maybe you look out six months, and you see a trend that is going to need a different approach.

Do yourself and your employer a favor. Prepare.

When the problem is at the doorstep and people are looking for a solution, you will have a plan, and you will have laid the groundwork for its execution.

This doesn't mean that you sit passive-aggressively in your cube hoping that things will go south. Part of preparing is evangelizing your solution to other people. Don't harp on about it, but look for allies who also see the problem and want to think about possible solutions. When you take a solution with broad buy-in to your bosses, it is much more likely to be implemented successfully.

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